The Canucks are the embodiment of great stories... and great entertainment. -- John Garrett
A selection of my illustrations inspired by the Vancouver Canucks.

Pettersson and Hughes don’t just have a similar view of the game. They also have a similar view of a perfect breakfast. In fact, every day off they meet up in the morning and go for waffles.
“I get the avocado on the side to have some healthy stuff — if I eat something healthy, then I feel good about myself so I can eat the waffle.” Pettersson said.
✏️: The adventures of the breakfast club and Elias Pettersson answers your questions by The Athletic's Thomas Drance
That's what the Holtbys are facing now while trying to bring Honey and Maple with them to Vancouver. They did all the right paperwork for importing the tortoises to Canada, but missed a vital step: they also needed to apply for an export permit from the United States. It turns out, Braden is also stuck at the border with the tortoises. He's minding those tortoises like he minds the net.
While tortoises aren't known for their speed, hopefully this situation can be resolved quickly. The Canucks will need their new goaltender and Holtby's family need their tortoises. Until then, Holtby is stuck tortoise-sitting just outside of Canada.
✏️ : New Canuck Braden Holtby is stuck at the Canadian border with his two tortoises by Daniel Wagner
The story has a happy ending!
As I recall, the gradient was bad luck last time too. The red gradient during the latter stages of the West Coast Express era, I don't think they ever won in those. That was a thing the players started to grumble about, like they didn't like those jerseys because they thought they were bad luck. That was one of the reasons that I sort of raised my eyebrows that they reappropriated them. But yeah, winless in the gradient is actually paying tribute to the gradient's rich history for this organization.
“The little pepperpot Nils Höglander!” -- John Shorthouse

JT Miller and his lil hair poking out of the helmet

“I know that he was still pretty pumped about it, I was trying to order a McFlurry for him last night, just a little treat, but I couldn’t get his address in time before the delivery service closed unfortunately.”
✏️ : Schmidt tries to buy McFlurry for Canucks teammate Sutter after hat trick by Rob Williams

Squidward hoodie!
Big Mac and his lil scarf

TikTok star Lennon MacEwen
Bubble Demko? Bubly Demko? Bublé Demko?
Canucks Les Mis cast. Wanna learn about the casting decisions? Click here!
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